Lately i feel like a child in so many ways. Do you want to know why?
1) I am still learning about life and other human beings...
2) My mother still lectures me and most of times she has right...
3) I still believe in Santa hoping this year to bring laughters instead of presents
and finally the past few days
4) I am drawing with my new promarkers like crazy with the enthusiasm of a child!
Tomorrow at 6:20 a.m. i will be a 32 years old child and although every year my birthday wish is the same ("some snow for christmas") this year i will make a different wish less selfish (sorry cann't write it if i want to come true :))
The 32nd year of my life was one of the toughest and most certainly i wont forget it...i made mistakes and i took my lesson well hoping not to repeat them.
Just a few hours before my official birthday the postman rang my bell. A package had arrived in my name. Not an order a package from another blogger-friend that i haven't met yet so we could say a package from a stranger...The dear friend had read my new love for promarkers and without second thought sent me some to play with. My mood the last week is strange and this package made me cry . It was not the gift it was the gesture! Greece is not only souvlaki, tzatziki, sea , sun , loans, bankruptcy, corrupted politicians etc etc. This is the greek spirit to give without waiting for a reward, to smile to a stranger , to hope ...and all of us the greek people should remember this!!! My dear
Anastasia i want to thank you in public not only for your gift and your beautiful card but for reminding me this!
Well this post started to be a post for an entry to a challenge and turned out to composition....So sorry. As i wrote lately i practice my drawing skills with promarkers so i made another card with the same "gorjuss" stamp to participate to this challenge of
Wee memories:

So this is my entry:

I am still working the shadows....
I also want to share with you one of my cross-stiching attempts...I was cross-stiching like crazy during November to make this table runner in time for Christmas... Do you like it?

Thank's for stopping by...