When i first met my husband he was the blue-brown-black type of man.... It took me two years to make him wear another color and when i say another color i mean light blue, yellow and white.
One and a half year ago we went out for shopping for a special occasion. When i saw a pink shirt of Man and Manetti i fell in love instantly! It took me half an hour to persuade him that we should buy it and two hours (when the day came...) to wear it! I don't know why men hate pink....I know that it is the casual girly color but to some men looks great on!
Sunday as i was cleaning my craft area i bumped on a photo from that day and i said to myself that i should scrap this photo one day. Later as i was searching the challenge blogs for some inspiration i saw the challenge of white with 1 for February and guess what it was....white + pink + hearts!!!! Ok if this was not a sign what it would be...
So i started a layout with this photo i was talking you about and it came out that pink is a tough color to manage.... I am not a very "pink" girl i was when i was younger and i still like it on cloths but as far as scrapbooking and cardmaking pink is not my first option. I made a pink /white fabric flower of my own to embellish the lo and i used some scrap pink papers (lately i am trying hard to SCRAPbook not to buy new things). When i finished i wasn't pleased at all but i thought that it would be ashame to dump such a beautiful photo so i decided to link it....
So here is my take :
I don't know if the layout is "beautiful" the only certain is that my man in pink is gorgeous and very very masculine :)
Thank you all for stopping by.

χθες εφτιαξα μια σελιδα για την ιδια προκληση Ιωαννα!!!φοβερο!!!η σελιδα σου ειναι απιστευτη!!μου αρεσει πολυ η κορδελα με τα brads και γενικα ο τροπος που εγραψες τον τιτλο σου!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήαχ τι όμορφη!!!!και πως ταίριαξε....το ροζάκι....έχετε πάθει όλες με το ροζ τελευταία...χαχαχα...καλή επιτυχία Ιωαννάκι!!!!1
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΑπιστευτη ροζ δημιουργια!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!καλη επιτυχια Ιωαννα!!!!!!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΠανεμορφη ειναι!!! Τελεια Ιωαννακι! Μπραβο! Καλη επιτυχια!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΗ δημιουργια σου ειναι πανεμορφη οπως ειναι και οι αντρες της ζωης σου!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΙωαννα δεν έχεις δίκιο! Η σύνθεση σου είναι φοβερη σε όλα της!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΑχ, μα τι ωραία οικογένεια!!! Και όντως το ροζ του πάει πολύ του Πέτρου!!! Καλά, είναι φοβερή η σύνθεση, δεν ξέρω γιατί δεν σου αρέσει. Με αυτό που έχω πάθει τελείως είναι με το λουλούδι που έχεις φτιάξει... αχ αυτές οι Ιαπωνικές ρίζες μας κάνουν και τρελαινόμαστε!!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήBeautiful layout...love the sprinkle of hearts, your title and the great photo. Thanks for joining in the fun at WW1.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήGorgeous little flower :) And yes, more men should wear pink! I wish I could convince my husband too LOL. Thanks for joining in at White With 1! xo
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήEpitelous ton vlepw.ma ton petran fysika!!!!eiste poli omorfh oikogeneia :) oso gia to roz poukamiso tou paei poli!!!gia vale mpros k gia movaki ;) to louloudaki sou einai ola ta lefta.ok meta ton dimitraki.giati aytos mou klevei tin kardia kathe fora.Ara....aytos einai ola ta lefta.xixi
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήwhat a great page - love your story behind the photo :) and I ♥ your hearts - thanks for playing at WW1 :)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήlove the fabric flower and the way you wrote your title
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήthanks for playing at WW1!
Ω πανέμορφη σύνθεση όπως και η φωτογραφία σας!!!!!!καιτο λουλουδι σουπερ!!