As most of you already know i prefer to write my posts in greek. I feel more secure to say what i want to say in my own language...But as this post is to entry a card i made to a challenge blog that i recently found i decided to write for first time in english. I hope that i will not disappoint my english teachers and my parents that paid lots of money to get my english degrees :)
Few days ago i received my last shopping order and among the goodies was two new cartridges for my beloved cricut. The one of them was love at first side! Do you remember when we were kids, years before barbie, those paper dolls that we used to play? I usually found them in magazines and i was always really carefull not to rip their paper clothes as i dressed and undressed them all the time. The cartridge i am talking about is called "paper dolls dress up" and it's a real treasure of paper costumes and paper dolls! So i couldn't resist try to make some just for fun. My first attempt was a real disaster. I made a fairy princess that looked like a drag queen! The second attempt was much better... i made a very cute clown that was perfect for a birthday card. Then as i was surfing to the net i bumbed into a cricut challenge blog that this week challenge was to make something using color blue, a cloud and an element cut by cricut. The clothes of the clown was accidentally blue! So i made a birthday card to participate to the challenge. The ballons were cut by cricut and the cartridge "stretch your imagination". This is my first entry to a foreign challenge blog...Wish me luck!

Few days ago i received my last shopping order and among the goodies was two new cartridges for my beloved cricut. The one of them was love at first side! Do you remember when we were kids, years before barbie, those paper dolls that we used to play? I usually found them in magazines and i was always really carefull not to rip their paper clothes as i dressed and undressed them all the time. The cartridge i am talking about is called "paper dolls dress up" and it's a real treasure of paper costumes and paper dolls! So i couldn't resist try to make some just for fun. My first attempt was a real disaster. I made a fairy princess that looked like a drag queen! The second attempt was much better... i made a very cute clown that was perfect for a birthday card. Then as i was surfing to the net i bumbed into a cricut challenge blog that this week challenge was to make something using color blue, a cloud and an element cut by cricut. The clothes of the clown was accidentally blue! So i made a birthday card to participate to the challenge. The ballons were cut by cricut and the cartridge "stretch your imagination". This is my first entry to a foreign challenge blog...Wish me luck!
my "drag fairy princess" you may laugh as you want
ps: be's really confusing when your mind talks to you in greek and your keyboard has to write in english!