The last 4 days my son has gone to his grandparents so i have plenty of free time :) I miss him though so much that i catch my self scrapping his photos again and again...
Yesterday an idea of a layout come to me and without having any challenge in my mind i started playing around. I wanted to make something in yellow green but i had not many embellishments in that color... So i asked my little sister to make me some printables... You see my little sister is a great photographer (all of the photos i scrap is hers!) and a great web designer.
Late last night a fellow Greek scrapper Alexandra Polyzou informed us through fb about a challenge in Whimsical Twist were she is a member of their design team. When i read about their challenge i was thrilled as the layout i was working was perfect for it! The subject of the challenge was "favorite" so here we go:
1) This layout is with my favorite subject to scrap on my little son! Some believe that scrapping on your kids photos is the easy way maybe it is i don't know...My son was the reason i found out scrapbooking ...
2) This layout is made with my favorite techniques...watercolors and masking! Oh watercolors gives you the freedom to make artistic backgrounds and i really love that!!!!
3) The embellishments on this layout are my favorites!I love wood veneers, threads and most of all i love pearls! Although i am not a pearl kind of woman and i when i wear pearl earrings i feel awkward i love pearls on layouts! I believe they give an elegant and fine touch to my projects!
4) Last but not least this layout was made with the help of one of my favorite persons on earth! My little sister!!! Eutuxia you are a star thank you <3 p="">
So here is my layout :
Hacuna Matata everybody ;)
Yesterday an idea of a layout come to me and without having any challenge in my mind i started playing around. I wanted to make something in yellow green but i had not many embellishments in that color... So i asked my little sister to make me some printables... You see my little sister is a great photographer (all of the photos i scrap is hers!) and a great web designer.
Late last night a fellow Greek scrapper Alexandra Polyzou informed us through fb about a challenge in Whimsical Twist were she is a member of their design team. When i read about their challenge i was thrilled as the layout i was working was perfect for it! The subject of the challenge was "favorite" so here we go:
1) This layout is with my favorite subject to scrap on my little son! Some believe that scrapping on your kids photos is the easy way maybe it is i don't know...My son was the reason i found out scrapbooking ...
2) This layout is made with my favorite techniques...watercolors and masking! Oh watercolors gives you the freedom to make artistic backgrounds and i really love that!!!!
3) The embellishments on this layout are my favorites!I love wood veneers, threads and most of all i love pearls! Although i am not a pearl kind of woman and i when i wear pearl earrings i feel awkward i love pearls on layouts! I believe they give an elegant and fine touch to my projects!
4) Last but not least this layout was made with the help of one of my favorite persons on earth! My little sister!!! Eutuxia you are a star thank you <3 p="">
So here is my layout :
Hacuna Matata everybody ;)