So here is my story on scrapping.... Three years ago i made my first attempt to make a layout...the result was disappointing...I did three more attempts after that but the result was as awful as the first one. I was a newbie... my supplies were poor ...and my experience was zero!!!! It was then i decided that scrapping was not for me and for the next 2 years i didn't scrap at all.
But as a Sagittarius my decisions doesn't last for long. On March of 2012 i thought it was time to try once more. This time i was more experienced with teqniques , i was better equipped and my sons photos was crying out to be scrapped . So i started again and the result this time was better! Between March 2012 and April 2013 i made 15-16 layouts and time after time my layouts were improving!
This June was my peak!!! In one month i made 6 layouts great deal for me! And one of them won in an international challenge horray!
And if you are wondering why i am telling you my story on scrapping that's because today i scrapped a photo i had scrapped on 2010 just to see the difference.
With this layout i will take part to Skissedilla challenge #217 with the folowing sketch:
So here is my layout :
I finally feel strong enough to scrap more often and i really enjoy it! I believe that from now on i won't stop scrapping until i die ;)
Thank's for stopping by
and don't forget...
Hacuna Matata everybody!

ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΕίναι πολύ πολύ όμορφο Πουκαρινάκι! Εγώ λέω ανά τρία χρόνια να σκραπάρεις αυτήν την ίδια φωτό πλάκα δεν θα χει? φιλιά!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΕίπα να πω κι από δω το πόσο πολύ μου αρέσει!!!! Έχει ό,τι ακριβώς χρειάζεται στις κατάλληλες ποσότητες!!! Τα λουλουδάκια φανταστικά, και μ' αρέσει που "πείραξες" τη φώτο!!!! Έγινε ακόμα πιο αγαπησιάρικη!!! Το μουτράκι σου δε είναι τόσο κουκλίστικο!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWOW! Such an amazing layout! The photo is just wonderful and so is all the colours. Love!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΚαλά, το πόσο χαίρομαι που έχεις λυθεί τόσο με τις συνθέσεις δεν λέγεται... επιτέλους!!! Άλλη μία καταπληκτικότατη σύνθεση.